
Tax Free Income

We utilize non-qualified products for tax free income, that do not limit the amount of contributions you can make each year, unlike traditional retirement vehicles.  Funds in these products will grow tax deferred and can be withdrawn on a tax-free basis. We utilize section 7702 of the IRS tax code to create tax free income for clients.

Roth Conversions

We will analyze your current qualified investment plan (IRA, 401k, 403b, SEP) to see if a conversion into a Roth account makes sense. Quite often paying the taxes on a qualified plan prior to retirement, can reduce taxation and increase income during retirement.

Leveraged Retirement

There are age, income and net worth requirements to qualify for this unique strategy.  Those that qualify can be enrolled into a retirement program which generally increases your retirement funds by 60% or more through premium financing.  Premium financing is the only strategy that uses leverage to help you acquire more of the benefits you need to financially protect you and your family.  The concept is not much different than financing a house.  You use a mortgage from a bank to leverage the assets you have on hand to purchase more house than you can afford on your own. A leveraged retirement plan through a bank allows you to accrue far more money, then most could ever save on their own. The most unique aspect of this strategy is the participant’s contributions are leveraged three to one. The bank will contribute $3 for every $1 you put into the program. The funds grow tax deferred and are withdrawn tax free.

Long Term Care

This is a product that 70% of citizens over the age of 65 will need sometime in their lives.  The problem with the old LTC contracts was a use it or loose it issue.  If you didn’t need the coverage, you lost all the money you paid into the policy.  We specialize in the new brand of LTC protection which is a win-win scenario for our clients. If you need the LTC coverage it will be there for you, and if you never need the coverage, you will get a full refund of the money you put into the policy.

Reduce Market Risk

As people near or enter retirement they usually like to decrease their exposure to market risk.  We utilize products that allow our clients to participate in a percentage of stock market gains and lock them in each year, while eliminating any stock market losses, in down years.  There are several indexes the client can pick such as the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, the Russell 2000 and the Wilshire 5000 to name just a few.